All You Need to Know About the Management of Integrated Coastal Zone in Europe

The idea of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) was initially introduced over three decades ago. Hardly since, 150 world powers joined the Agreement on Bio Diversity in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 would there be official declaration of the requirement for a broader comprehensive solution to preservation.

For subsequent wildlife conservation, the agreement integrated the premise that humanity is a genuine part of every environment where it occurs. The goal of ICZM is for a rule-oriented coastal zone administration by offering a way of combining needs of the community with the appropriate utilisation coastal habitats, so assuring their use it for present and future generations. ICZM emphasizes the importance of addressing challenges that straddle the land-ocean divide.

coastal zone management

Why is it important?

The globe’s 356,000 km of coastline are diverse and fragile environments that support an amazing variety of wildlife; they are subject to a huge proportion of the global total, a big source of agricultural goods, an essential connection for travel and trade, and an entertainment and leisure tourist attraction. They are impacted by a plethora of interconnected push factors and forces, such as hydro, landform, economic, governmental, organizational, and production context.

For both terrestrial and marine features of coastal regions are currently under a number of climatic and anthropogenic stressors. These stresses are generating coastal ecosystem deterioration, resulting in the loss of fishing grounds, lower water abundance, increased disintegration, and the buildup of pollutants.

How is it implemented?

Only via ongoing interaction and coordination among those who design marine environment policy, the research community, and key stakeholders can ICZM be realised. The European Commission’s ICZM Demo Program, which began in 1996, illustrates the difficulties impacting coastlines as well as successful ways for ensuring the efficient administration for both coming and the subsequent generations.

Strymonikos Gulf

Effective coastal zone management necessitates establishing a grasp of the region’s distinctive features, and an appreciation of the stresses and pushing factors that influence its movements, such as those that originate from beyond the immediate community. River contamination from effluents in Bulgaria is degrading the health of coastal regions in the Strymonikos Gulf.

Effective coastal zone leadership is based on preserving the underlying procedures and interplay of aquatic areas; continuing to work with these procedures, instead of against each other, enhances lengthy choices by trying to make our actions more sustainable and financially effective in the long cycle.


Even though the term management is used, the ICZM approach involves the whole system, from early data collection through evaluating the efficiency of the management actions.ICZM assesses the social objective in a specific coastal region and takes activities to accomplish its goals with the educated involvement and collaboration of all parties. Over time, ICZM strives to reconcile ecological, social, cultural, historical, and leisure goals within the constraints imposed by natural processes.

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